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Collaborative Law

Collaborative law is a process in Texas to use a confidential and transparent process to resolve the divorce or custody litigation.  During the collaborative process, each client has an attorney.  A financial professional and mental health professional are also utilized.  The parties will have a series of meetings "online" and "offline" using the professionals to work out a mutual agreement on all issues.


The "catch" is when the parties enter the collaborative process, both sides agree to full transparency and waive their right to take any issues to a Judge to determine.  If one or both sides chose to "break" the process then both sides must start the entire litigation process from the beginning.  Both must hire new attorneys and are precluded from using any information obtained during the collaborative process without obtaining the information again through the discovery process of litigation.  Additionally, both the mental health and financial professionals are enjoined from use in the litigation. 


The collaborative process is a fantastic way to learn to work together to help with future co-parenting or to keep your life private from the publicity of a litigation process and trial 

Information on this page is for informational purposes only and does not create

an attorney client relationship.

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